The Chatterleigh Association is a non-profit, voluntary community organization whose purpose is to promote the communal good, better individual relationships between neighbors, to actively participate in civic affairs, cooperate with neighboring organizations and act as a source of collective action relative to affairs and events concerning the betterment of the community.
The Chatterleigh Association Inc. (CAI) consists of six developments: Chatterleigh, with the first homeowners moving in on Concordia Drive in 1959. The Brook Meadows development began five years later; Hunt Club Farms five years after that; and Hunt Crest Estates in 1973. Brookview Farms I and Brookview Farms II, developed in 1987 and 1994 respectively, joined the Association in 2009.
The Chatterleigh Association was originally incorporated in August 1963 under the leadership of President William Lease. The group was patterned after the Northwood Community Association in Northeast Baltimore.
A total of 416 residences make up the six Chatterleigh communities. Chatterleigh Association Inc (CAI) Board Members and Committee Chairs work on a variety of issues affecting the community. In addition to open quarterly meetings, they hold an Annual Meeting in May and coordinate Special Events throughout the year. They oversee common area landscaping and monument preservation; publish a quarterly newsletter and participate in the Towson Communities Alliance. Covenants issues for Chatterleigh, Brook Meadows, Hunt Club Farms and Hunt Crest Estates are reviewed by a CAI Committee; Brookview Farms I & II covenants are handled by their respective Architectural Review Committees. We need your involvement! Homeowners interested in any Board or Committee activities should see the Contact page of this web site for a contact person.